
💪🧠 The strength of any community hinges on a strong, resilient youth. The Covid-19 pandemic has traumatized children across the globe. After enduring two years of disrupted education, social isolation, and unnatural measures such as wearing masks and social distancing, the emotional development of over 55 million children in the United States has been gravely impacted. 

Charity Bomb creates EQ educational resources for children to develop mental muscle and learn the necessary life-skills to overcome these challenges.

We are developing a one-stop shop where parents and children can access a comprehensive EQ education for free, inclusive of:

  • Age-banded, EQ worksheets, games, and exercises 

  • EQ educational gamified app for iOS and Android (in development)

  • EQ learning VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) segments

To help children develop:

o Confidence

o Emotional Resilience

o Critical Thinking Skills

o Inter and intrapersonal Relationship-building Skills

o Empathy

o Self-awareness

o Self-regulation, stress management skills

EQ is the ability to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, and use emotions to communicate with and relate to others effectively and constructively.

Charity Bomb’s powerful mechanisms help children overcome these challenges and find success in all pillars of life. Children who are emotionally strong can manage stress, solve problems, deal with adversity, and maintain healthy perspectives. 

Our resources train brains to form strong values and healthy habits that prime children for a life of happiness, success, and meaning. Students of this curriculum tend to excel in all major pillars of life, from their career satisfaction, relationship fulfillment, to spiritual and physical well-being.